Friday 9 October 2009

Thursday 17 September 2009


Also, /a/ is 'dere :3


This is gonna be the best year since griffball

Monday 7 September 2009

this is why university is awesome/terrible


Take for example, the average girl. She's just finished college, and she's excited to go to university. Job prospects, learning, and meeting new friends are the talk of the town, amongst her family and friends!

University rolls around. The girl thinks she should at least check out freshers fair. From there, it's a whirlwind of free stuff, flyers for drinks, and other such oddities. After a month, she thinks it's fine to go out 3/4 nights a week, get "Wasted" and take going out over studying.

It's 2 months later. Every time you log onto facebook, it's an endless stream of pictures of her, as she slowly loses her dignity, and she becomes the stereotype of what students are. She realises only too late that not only has she squandered her money, but also her prospects of a first.

I like this, because it makes me feel good about myself


Much of the same, only in a different regard. Admittedly, when university starts, there's a lot of attractive people in your class, and you're clearly pining for 1. Because people at university are for all intents and purposes, children, they still want the stupidest things. Are you willing to change yourself to pick up some tramp in a nightclub?

Eg: getting 'dressed up' and spending an upward of £40 a night on trying to pick up a single girl. get the fuck out. for one, you look like an idiot. second of all, she only uses you for free liqour. Which is more embarassing. I had more to say about this, but I forgot already, so whatever.

actually, something has come to mind. there's a guy I see frequently on facebook.

This guy looks like the sorriest sack of shit i've ever seen. everything he lists is the worst shit.

his interests are, but not limited to:

Taking Loads Of Pictures
Being There When His Friends Need Him The Most
i.e. Being A Good Friend
I mean come on? Your interest is FACEBOOK and TAKING PICTURES? I fucking hate the concept of "taking pictures". You were there, and you lived it, why would you need to take a static shot that you'll look at maybe once and go "Yeah I look like a twat"

Plus, he appears to be some desperate excuse of...whatever

(Hahahah I used an elipsis)(And I don't think I can spell it tonight)

on liqour, money and general student life-

I'm so far removed from this, so it'll be a short analysis/braindump/laughfest.

It seems that in university, to be cool, you need to be able to spend money like an eccentric, mostly on liqour. Not that I don't like alcohol. I think it's great, and it leads to terrific moments (Except when I threw up all over zaks house, that was gross). But, much like in high school, it seems to be needed as somewhat of a catalyst for entertainment. Back in school, I recall that the "cool kids" (Read: faggots with no personality) went "Up the hill" to get lashed/wasted/. Every so often I would go, but only to be sorely dissapointed, wait till someone wanted to go home, and walk them back, because I wanted to go to bed. University seems to be much of the same. Admittedly, people seem to think that because they're old enough to buy their own liqour now, it entitles them to become impervious to looking like a complete twat when you fuck a random dude in an alley/makeout with a guy after you threw up/a brief mix of all of the above( I don't think I'm allowed to put of twice like that, it seems like a weird sentence conjugation?). People don't think better of you for that. Furthermore, I have rolled around on the aspect of cameras. classmates seem to drink so much that they NEED to have pictures to remember where all their money went the previous night.

It may have been the BEST NIGHT EVER, so they need evidence that it happened(?!)

Furthrmore, student living looks like a pile of moldy cocks. "Oh yeah, ya know, I moved in so I could have independance and meet people!"

This doesn't seem to be accurate, to the most part. I suppose some people have a taste for noodles/pasta and shitty kebab meat. I'm not one for spending all of my money just to "live out". Then again, I live so close to university that it's stupid for me to pay an extortionate amount just to eat shitty food. It's only 20 miles a day, and I'm usually a grand in the green, when my classmates are 800 into an overdraft. That's probably why they all look like death. Well, I suppose I do aswell, but that's because I don't sleep much. DOH HO VIDEO GAMES!

that's everything for now. Actually, as a final point, why do people need to point at people so much in photos? Yeah, we can SEE there's a poignant figure STANDING NEXT TO YOU, you don't need to point at it.

Someone fucking shoot me.


Saturday 29 August 2009


At first, when I decided to start Persona 3 FES again, I was kinda like...


I was like:

Goodbye 2 weeks!

Saturday 22 August 2009

たび の とちゅう 

どこ まで ゆこう 課きみ と ふたり で。

Saturday 25 July 2009

Let me paint you a mind picture.

First of all, set yourself in this mindset. Imagine if you will, waking up at 3pm. You actually wake up at 1pm to the noise from next door, but you're too lethargic to bang on the wall, or do anything else, so you just flip over and go back to bed. It's 3pm, and you're awake. From here, if you can comprehend, picture yourself peeking out of the curtains for a moment, realising it's too bright, and seeing people outside. Close the curtains and then open the window the smallest bit so that the lack of fresh air you get normally is somewhat minimised.

Now, if you can imagine sitting at a desk from 3pm till 9pm, doing nothing but watching cartoons, lamenting over social dynamics, or lack thereof, and anonymously posting on message boards.

From here, fall into the mindset of scrambling downstairs and looking through the freezer for some semblence of a meal to prepare for yourself.

"Too much effort"
"Takes too long"
"Too many vegetables"

After deciding on the most inane assortment of unhealthy and lacking food you can find, picture yourself taking it upstairs to wolf it down while being hunched over the same desk you've been sat at all day.

Fast forward to 4am.

The few people you can find the effort to talk to through relayed chat on instant messenger programs are all gone. Either they've gone to sleep, with their significant others. Went out to have fun with friends in real life. Or just felt like being up so late seemed like somewhat of a folly, and decided to hit the sack early. Pick one of the above, stick with it, and picture it.

It's at this point, you realise it's gotten dark outside.

You smile somewhat.

After realising that you wanted to go out for something to eat earlier, the voice in your head talked to you, and you listened. You can now comprehend the fact that you're just too scared to go outside. People will judge you silently. You're nervous to talk to people, because beyond either the facade you put up, your general interests are somewhat lacking in parallel to most regular folk.

Thankfully, it's the middle of the morning, and nobody is around. 24 hour shops are always open, and the bare minimum of interaction is required.

After you have grapsed this concept, imagine it's now 7am, and the suns rising.

With nothing you do, you go to bed alone.

The worst part? Knowing you have to do it all over again tomorrow. And every day.

Now. You've read all this, and if you've followed the instructions at the top, you've come up with a somewhat defineable and full "day".

CONGRATULATIONS. You've just visualized yourself in one of the days of my life.

Let me know how bad it feels.

Saturday 4 July 2009

Monday 29 June 2009


Here's a foolproof way to make sure your rice tastes just like the stuff you get in Nippon (that's Japanese for Japan, lol xD)

First step is to cook the rice using sake, which is a type of rice wine so it tastes even more like rice!!!!! *squee*

Second step is to take a few boxes of pocky (for those of you who don't know, pocky is kinda like a frosting covered breadstick, they're very popular in Nippon, which is Japan in Japanese rofl ^_^) and you crush up a few of them and put it on the rice.

Next, put some sushi (that's raw fish wrapped in seaweed, although I don't like raw fish, it's icky, lol xD) on top of the rice, this will make it really authentic Japanese!

After you do this let the pocky-sushi-rice sit for a while, then put it in your pinku bento (pinku means pink in Nippon, and a bento is like a lunchbox with compartments ^-^). That way you can take it with you and eat it wherever you want! lmao

It usually tastes best if you it eat while reading manga (manga is like a Japanese comic book but you read it backwards, isn't that weird???? xD) or while watching anime on cartoon network!!!!

This is seriously the best tasting rice you can make! It is so kawaii!!!!!! *giggle*

Cya!!! ^_~

Tuesday 23 June 2009

Making a note here-Huge Success

Going to buy ingredients for delicious cake.

Watch this space

Wednesday 17 June 2009

Welcome to the fantasy zone


On a side note, I love it when my life is this good.

Read: All the time.

Sucks to be you relationship fags.

Tuesday 26 May 2009


A scrub is a now generalized term used as a synonym for a "noob" or "newb," which is someone who is bad at a video game or activity in general.

Most of the definitions here, surprisingly, have nothing to do with the actual term. The original definition is related to a person who makes a mistake in a video game, which is such a bad mistake that it is clearly wrong, yet they persist in making it. The term derives from Street Fighter II, to describe some players that were so bad that they would mash their hands across the control pad, an act known as "scrubbing," because it relates to scrubbing a car or other object with a sponge. Thus they were deemed "scrubbers," or "scrubs" for short. Over time this term expanded throughout the gaming world, and then the real world, and lost its original meaning.

Game ideazzzzzz

Sunday 17 May 2009

Things are played out.

And by things, I mean everything. Seriously, if I hear the word "Epic" or "Fail" used as an adjective in real life, oh man. The irony is that I put word as opposed to words in relation to it being a plural.



Friday 15 May 2009

Throw down your thoughts, and prepare to be JUDGED.

Haha, awesome.

Anyway, in persona social link style, I will rank the lot of you over the next few days.

A short description, a number, with 1 being lowest and 10 being the highest.

Watch this space.

Sunday 10 May 2009

So long Gekkoukan.

There is a lot I could say about the ending to Persona 3, but I am having a lot of trouble narrowing down how to start because it simply has so much good stuff packed into it. I guess I may as well just summarize a few thoughts I have had about it.

1) The set-up for the final battle and ending, including the final climb up Tartarus across January (which builds up the Judgement Social Link and unlocks the ultimate Persona), the last meeting between the SEES members in which they make the pledge to meet again even if they lose their memories, and the last battles against the members of Strega, is nearly flawless. I suppose the entire cult thing was pointless, but other than that the last month, with its severe change in tone and music, was very good.

2) The final battle was really dramatic and well-done. There was nowhere more appropriate for the final battle to take place than the top of Tartarus, and the final battleground set amidst dark clouds beneath the full moon was spectacular. The battle itself, involving the countdown of all of the Arcana used by the Shadows building up towards Nyx Avatar unleashing its true power, was also very dramatic and sufficiently impressive for a final battle.

3) The sudden revival of Nyx Avatar, the revelation of the true, monstrous Nyx within the moon, and the beginning of the end of the world were expected, but still very welcome twists to the game. After all, given all of the discussion over the past few months of the game of how Nyx was invincible, and the importance of the hopelessness of the heroes' battle to the game, the battle shouldn't be won that easily. No videogame with a story based around saving the world should finish before the end of the world is in full swing.

4) It is a cliche story twist that has been parodied time and again, but the whole "in the world's darkest hour, the hero gathers the power from his friends in order to gain new strength" idea is a logical and believable conclusion to the entire Social Link system, so it actually works rather well when it is used here. I like the fact that all of the Social Links that have been maxed out are referenced, I like the resulting, undefined ultimate Persona card (which is certainly The World card even if it is not called such), and most of all I like the fact that the elevator-shaped Velvet Room actually reaches its destination and opens its doors to the light for the first time, as if it is symbolically carrying the hero to his final battle and the conclusion of his story.

5) The scripted battle against the core of Nyx strikes a nice balance between dramatic elaboration and keeping things focused and to the point. I like the fact that the enemy's ultimate attack goes from nearly killing the hero to be completely ineffective against him as the power of his allies surges into him. Also, the fact that the Great Seal move uses up all of the hero's HP is an important detail that properly foreshadows how the game ends.

I was really expecting the ending to conclude shortly after the battle against Nyx, but I was rather pleasantly surprised to see that the ending had only really just started by that point. The hero returns from his battle, the world is saved, and time jumps forward to a month later at the beginning of March, where the parts of the ending I really want to talk about take place.

In a moment of great parallel between the two endings, the next part of the ending starts out exactly the same way as the "Kill Ryoji" ending began, with everyone having lost their memories and continuing on with their lives, speaking about fellow members of SEES as if they were total strangers. However, instead of ending the sequence there and jumping to three days later like it happened in the other ending, here it continues on to the rest of the day that follows, and control is given back to the player as if it were a normal day like any other in the game. This phase is the best part of the whole ending. At this time, the player is free to explore the town, and in doing so can see special scenes for every Social Link at the maximum level that give an epilogue for each story and subplot, as well as scenes involving other members of SEES that show that they have not completely forgotten the bond they share and the things that have changed their lives. It begins just like it did in the "Kill Ryoji" ending, but the freedom that comes afterwards is such a significant divergence from the other ending that it makes it feel like something completely different.

After a few days of being free to see Social Link epilogues, it reaches Graduation Day, the day which both marked the end of the "Kill Ryoji" ending and was decided to be the day in which the characters would meet again even if they lose their memories. Whether it was that promise or just the fact that the SEES Social Link would have maxed out (and thus become unbreakable) twice over between the time Ryoji asks for a decision and the final battle, it is clear that the continuing memory loss would actually be broken in this ending, and when Aigis approaches the hero at the beginning of this day speaking as if the hero's memory has returned (or was never really lost at all), that divergence from the bad ending is confirmed. The final sequence in which Mitsuru slowly gets her memory back in the middle of the same speech she was making in the "Kill Ryoji" ending is almost magical with how effective it is in reversing the tragedy of the heroes' lost memory in the bad ending, but in a odd way that reversal is reflected by another reversal: instead of going out with his friends to sing karaoke, the hero rests his head on Aigis's lap, and slowly closes his eyes...

In a way, there is really no other way that Persona 3 could have ended other than with the hero's death. Much like the idea of the Hero's Journey and the concept of the tarot, the entire story of Persona 3 is essentially a giant metaphor for a person's life. Even more clearly, the hero was bound to Ryoji, an incarnation of Death itself, and was haunted by Thanatos from the very beginning. The hero was given the contract by Death under which he was supposed to assume responsibility for his own actions, and was promised a single year within the game. Because of all of these, I was certainly expecting the hero to die, but I was surprised and impressed at both the fact that the game designers actually went and made it happen, and the way in which it happened. The common, cliche way such things usually happen in stories is that the hero sacrifices himself in the final moment and never returns home, but in this game he does return from his battle with Nyx and lives long enough to enjoy that time and see the happy result of his struggle. Most notably, the way the hero goes is incredibly peaceful and joyful. The hero simply lays his head on Aigis's lap while listening to the sounds of his friends coming to meet him again, and closes his eyes as if for a nap. rather than a tragedy, the hero's death is portrayed as a long-awaited, well-deserved rest. If it were not for a large array of subtle foreshadowing and the oddly sad tone in Aigis's voice as she talks to the hero, it would be impossible to guess that he had even died. Honestly, more than anything else I consider it to be a beautiful ending.

Saturday 9 May 2009

Battle Royale: The movie-The game-The mmo. (Title in progress)

It's a 32 player online multiplayer FPS. 32 players join a lobby and after a brief cutscene showing their characters arriving on the island and potentially the short tutorial video (like the movie) on how the island works. Next, all players are sent out of the school one by one with their randomly generated backpacks and are set free to wander around the island and get on with the buisness of killing eachother

Game ideas:
Randomly generated vehicles:
Some small vehicles are available like motorbikes or quadbikes. Players will have to scavenge items in order to repair them however. In the interest of balance, players will sacrafice stealth for transportation

Custom characters:
Not exactly revolutionary, but seeing the opening cutscene in the school with your person in between a class of 31 others would be pretty cool

'Exchange students':
Like in the film, the exchange students are present. These could either be computer controlled which is less fun, or two random players can take control of them. Exchange students can have a few perks like more ammo, faster running etc

Customizable timeframe:
The real Battle Royale takes place over 3 days. Players can set how this timescale works at the start of a match. It can range from anything like 3 real life days (tournament mode) to 15 minutes:6 hours or even 5 mins:6 hours for quick games

Strategy will heavily rely on what weapon you start with. You got a gun? Do you camp outside the school and mow down as many students as you can before your ammo runs out? You got a frying pan? I guess you can cook breakfast (health). Maybe the other students won't want to kill you so much

Realistic wounds:
Take a shot to the leg? Movement is slowed. Took a shot to the arm? Can't use weapons anymore

Spectator mode:
When a player dies, offer them the oppurtunity to watch the rest of the game unfold in a TV-like spectator mode. Afterall, BR is a tv show

Any other ideas? I think this could actually be good if done right. Also, I like the idea of cooking breakfast in an FPS.


Monday 13 April 2009

I was a healer once.

In a lot of ways, being a healer is a lot like being a parent. You follow an ungrateful, squabbling mass of people throughout their lives, picking them up when they fall down, healing them when they get hurt, and telling them they'll be alright.

They love you, they hate you. They blame you for their mistakes, and take credit for your hard work. They bitch, argue, fight and complain. But you're with them every step of the way. Every insult is ignored, every personal attack is deflected


Because they're your family. Through thick and thin. better or worse, they're yours. They are your responsiblity, your party. And when the dust settles, the loot is ninja'd, the chat fills with "gg" and everyone logs off, you're alone again.

And you know you did your job, and you did it well. You didn't falter, didn't give up. And long after the party has moved on or forgotten you, you'll be doing the same thing, day after day after day. Because your family needs you, no matter who your family is for that day.

Saturday 4 April 2009

So long Inaba.

Blog post forthcoming once I get over it.

Wednesday 25 March 2009

こにちわ。 わたし の なまえ わ カル です。 わたし わ 20 さい です。

わたし は MMU の がすけい です。 そして にひんご お べんきょ しています です。

わたし は ベリ に すみます。 わたし は まいにち でんしゃ だ いきます。

マヌチェスタ わ たかい です そして おきい です。

だいがく わ むずかし そして たのしい です。

わたし は アメリカ に かがく べんきょ してました が わたし は さびしい です。

わたし は まいにち くだもの そして さかな たべます。

わたし は まいあす しんぶん よにます。

わたし わ あにめ が すき です。

これ わ がるふれんど なまえ わ ォラ です。 ォラ さん わ マヌチェスタ だいがく の がすけい です。 ォラ わ かわいい そして やさしい です。


Sunday 15 March 2009

Persona 4 makes everything about me hurt.

I started playing Persona 4 last night. This is the best/craziest game I have played this year. Words can't really describe it, but I'll try Giantbomb on Personas:

"Manifestations of a person's inner "self" or psyche. They can also be described as a character's alter ego or their shadow personality. These entities appear as famous and legendary characters in the world of mythology. Tremendous power hidden within each one."

Me on Personas:

Koda, you were the happy dream in a life that's been nothing but a hellish nightmare. says (16:05):
It's just good
but the fusion
oh god
you collect persona cards
to summon different ones
but then you can FUSE them into more powerful ones
angel and uzobach into a giant horse thing
Koda, you were the happy dream in a life that's been nothing but a hellish nightmare. says (16:06):
but then you can TRIANGLE fuse
but every time you fuse they get different abilties
and then if its on the right day you get bonus exp
and if you have the correct SOCIAL links it gets more exp
and then I cry in a corner

More descriptions from me:

>Like I wanted to go and dungeon crawl
but then someone wants me to go out for steak
and im like
Koda, you were the happy dream in a life that's been nothing but a hellish nightmare. says (16:03):

What did I do last night on P4?

Started the game last night, and burnt 6 hours which flew by. Key points:

Nanako singing "Every days great at your junes"
Yosuke: "Arghhh, critcal hit in the nads"
Funky Student: "Let me hit you up with another mind riddle ma' brotha'"
Teddy:" Fo'sho"

Basically, this is an awesome game, which I can't recommend enough. Awesome music, it's a hell cheap game and the concepts are great.

Oh, and basically, you can only do a number of things a day. You get a question at school in an attempt ro raise your intellect, then "After school" begins. From here you can either
>Do a dungeon crawl
>Do an after school soccer practise
>Do an after school band practise
>Spend time with someone to raise your social link
>Do part time work
>Use a capsule machine
>Eat tofu

Then it gets to "Evening" which is weird. You can either read a book to incease a stat, sleep and get a random chance to incease social links the midnight channel.

The best dream so far?
"You dreamt you had a dream where you and Chie wrestled in Luchador masks. You feel closer to Chie, the friendship deepened"

More to follow as I play daily.

Saturday 28 February 2009



Saturday 21 February 2009

Goodnight sweet prince.

We sure have been places.

But now it's over

See you, space cowboy.

Tuesday 17 February 2009

Inspiration is awesome.

After talking to a friend just now, I feel inspired to write something, and I guess it's about University


So, backstory. Many of you know this is my second year at university, because essentially, I derailed, had an emotional breakdown, and failed my first year. This attributed to, but isn't limited to my horrifying anxiety attacks and the fact that...well I had intense depression during university. I lived on my own, as most people do, but didn't embrace "That student life". I didn't really click with anyone on my course on a mental level, nevermind an intellectual one. Very quickly, I became lethargic, and anxiety got the better of me, as I stopped going in. I know now that this was a bad move, but those of you who have had these "problems", know how hard it can be.

This was a series of characteristics that many times in my life I would look back on in bewilderment and the women I sought after would be nothing like this. In the pain of youth, the misery of my neglect, would manifest itself in many ways; depression - my enemy, fear - my friend, hatred - my lover, and anger - fuel for my fire. These four characteristics of my personality would become the guiding force of my life and would control everything I did or was to become. I shall explain later in the story about them.

Over the summer holidays, despite the fact I worked a lot at a Flower shop, I also had a more underlaying plan. This was to curb my emotions and learn to control how I feel a lot easier. The whole fiasco, basically the Terese saga, which hell, you know about now. Or if you don't- I fell in love with her, and she sort of told me at 4am one night she was with my best friend. Anxiety+Depression+Haloperidol as meds=Not healthy

Regardless, working at the flower shop gave me a lot of personal time to think about my life, and where I was going I suppose. I was relatively mentally unhealthy, this was apparent. In the 8 hours I would work a day, tending to flowers, in the hot summer sun gave me a chance to reflect on myself. At times it became a chilling reflection of my own wretchedness, and my desire to want more.

I soon found out that the only way to TRULY express myself was with my writing, It was a way to vent all my frustrations and all my pain - completely opened all my Four Doors . I know I can write relatively well, good lexis and pragmatical structure. The usual. Regardless, I re-enrolled at university for the year starting 2008. When I got back, I encouraged myself a lot more than I thought was possible. Getting over the Terese thing was hard, some wounds never heal. When you don't have many, if any friends, it becomes hard to truly open yourself to a person, and with this, I didn't know how to react at the end of it. But Hell, adversity makes you stronger, right?

Being back at University became quite the change for me I guess. The lethargy faded, and I became inspired to learn. I don't know what it was, but I felt like I could make it happen. Despite the fact that hardly any people come into lectures and seminars, I don't really care. There's at least one person who challenged and engages me on an intellectual level, being a very clever gentleman, and constantly "Fuelling me on" as it were, with his ideas.

I guess this is enough writing for now. I enjoyed it, writing is fun, and a way to express myself in a way I can't do in a normal setting. Check back soon for..more things.

So long, space cowboys.

Saturday 31 January 2009


You're told you're social all your life. Humans are social creatures.. Is this the reason we all cling to this notion of social 'normality' in such a way? Can we really not be happy just..being as we are?

Well, no, we can't. Because of comparison.

I always compare myself to images, or pictures, or fucking ideas of fun, and people portrayed as 'party animals' or those who 'live life to the fullest! Yeah! Hi-5!"

Good for you faggot, you bungee jump.

These seconds and minutes continue to pass me by. Hours, even. One more second I spend in my room alone is no less valid a second than any other, or anyone else's.

I know how futile it'd be to interact, because all you have is a face and a that really enough to trust, to love?

It's logically doubtful, but still we hope. I hope. Why..?

We not only cling to normality, but as a result, reality. This plane of existence isn't any less valid than seconds spent dreaming, but we still love coming back here, to pay our taxes and call Dubai to sort out our bill discrepancies.

Eventually, other people, and my lack of capacity to speak to them won't matter. Nothing will. I birthed this universe by being born, and it'll die with me, to me.

All is a matter of interpretation. Loneliness taught me this, and I believe it'll one day be the ultimate strength.

Sunday 25 January 2009

Why don't girls wear dresses anymore?

I'm not sure I understand the point of sexual liberation in terms of you don't HAVE to wear a skirt, if you're going to end up following whatever trend is in your area anyway, short shorts or jeans.

This is something that annoys me greatly. Girls don't dress "pretty" anymore, they either dress like lazy tomboys or skanks.

I don't like that I'm supposed to be happy about this either. Dresses are easy to put on - all you need is underwear, and you can shove the dress on in one go. It's much easier than buttoning or zipping up tight jeans, etc. If they wanted maximum comfort, looser slightly baggy pants would work better than jeans.

Which gets me, because not only are girls dressing more boring, they outright lie if you question. Jeans and tight tops can not conceptually be more comfortable or easier to put on than a dress. With a dress your legs have a lot more freedom.

Goth girls and hippie girls who are two of the last types to actually wear anything pretty, are being replaced by these tacky emo and "scene" bitches.

I'm just tired of this. I think it's just a visual representation of how "Unpretty" our society has become over the last decade especially.

I don't have a problem with girls that are genuinely tomboys or genuinely don't care about what they wear, but the fact is they're still "dressing up", just in the most mainstream washed out clothes and horrid makeup and fake tan.

Chances are you're only dressing accord to some stupid fashion trend whether you realise it or not.

Thursday 22 January 2009

A story

There once was a tiger-striped cat. This cat died a million deaths, revived & lived a million lives, and he was owned by various people who he really didn't care for. The cat wasn't afraid to die. Then one day the cat became a stray cat which meant he was free. He met a white female cat & the two of them spent their days together happily. Well, years passed & the white cat grew weak & died of old age. The tiger-striped cat cried a million times, & then he died too. Except this time, he didn't come back to life.

Monday 19 January 2009

A tribute

To Chris.

On Women:

Chris Represents the Church Rave Cross-over says (21:43):
Man I wish she was a door, So I could slam her all night
Chris Represents the Church Rave Cross-over says (21:43):
Whats great is that she looks unhappy
Chris Represents the Church Rave Cross-over says (21:43):
which means that shes not happy
Chris Represents the Church Rave Cross-over says (21:44):
which means that anything you do
Chris Represents the Church Rave Cross-over says (21:44):
Will make a girl like that
Chris Represents the Church Rave Cross-over says (21:44):
Chris Represents the Church Rave Cross-over says (21:44):
You cant loose
Chris Represents the Church Rave Cross-over says (21:44):
and if they get angry, You act like some abusive father, smack her and threaten her and she'll stick around

On Insurance:

Chris Represents the Church Rave Cross-over says (21:27):
well the bristles on car washes are normally soft and brush the car gently
Chris Represents the Church Rave Cross-over says (21:28):
the ones for morrison were solid plastic
Chris Represents the Church Rave Cross-over says (21:28):
and it sounded like it was flailing my car
Chris Represents the Church Rave Cross-over says (21:28):
I felt like jesus
Chris Represents the Church Rave Cross-over says (21:28):
Scruffed all the paintwork
carl- Remember this: "Be it a rock or a grain of sand, in water they sink as the same." says (21:28):
what did you do
Chris Represents the Church Rave Cross-over says (21:28):
Puffed my chest out, Went in there, Told them that this shit was not on, Parked my car in the carwash so no one else could get in
carl- Remember this: "Be it a rock or a grain of sand, in water they sink as the same." says (21:29):
Chris Represents the Church Rave Cross-over says (21:29):
They brought some insurance forms out and shizzle, I gotta write to morrisons insurance company to get it sorted
carl- Remember this: "Be it a rock or a grain of sand, in water they sink as the same." says (21:29):

carl- Remember this: "Be it a rock or a grain of sand, in water they sink as the same." says (21:29):
I would have done the same
carl- Remember this: "Be it a rock or a grain of sand, in water they sink as the same." says (21:29):
but instead of talking to them
carl- Remember this: "Be it a rock or a grain of sand, in water they sink as the same." says (21:29):
just walked into morrisons
carl- Remember this: "Be it a rock or a grain of sand, in water they sink as the same." says (21:29):
put on my ray ban sunglasses
carl- Remember this: "Be it a rock or a grain of sand, in water they sink as the same." says (21:29):
and just started punching people

On burglary:

Chris Represents the Church Rave Cross-over says (21:47):
Take my yoda lightsaber that I've just bought, and beat him to death
Chris Represents the Church Rave Cross-over says (21:47):
Or I stand there with an extra large kitchen knife. Claiming there can only be one

He is just a bad motherfucker. Deal.

Thursday 15 January 2009

"Games are for idiots"

I'd like to see any of you have the skill and steady hand to beat this.

Friday 9 January 2009

The Horstachio

You will bask in his glory.

Thursday 8 January 2009

Uni starts soon

And the day will start the same

Wednesday 7 January 2009