Saturday 31 January 2009


You're told you're social all your life. Humans are social creatures.. Is this the reason we all cling to this notion of social 'normality' in such a way? Can we really not be happy just..being as we are?

Well, no, we can't. Because of comparison.

I always compare myself to images, or pictures, or fucking ideas of fun, and people portrayed as 'party animals' or those who 'live life to the fullest! Yeah! Hi-5!"

Good for you faggot, you bungee jump.

These seconds and minutes continue to pass me by. Hours, even. One more second I spend in my room alone is no less valid a second than any other, or anyone else's.

I know how futile it'd be to interact, because all you have is a face and a that really enough to trust, to love?

It's logically doubtful, but still we hope. I hope. Why..?

We not only cling to normality, but as a result, reality. This plane of existence isn't any less valid than seconds spent dreaming, but we still love coming back here, to pay our taxes and call Dubai to sort out our bill discrepancies.

Eventually, other people, and my lack of capacity to speak to them won't matter. Nothing will. I birthed this universe by being born, and it'll die with me, to me.

All is a matter of interpretation. Loneliness taught me this, and I believe it'll one day be the ultimate strength.


Penny J Moo said...


Unknown said...

Keep that up penny moo and I'll have you walking like John Wayne