Sunday 16 November 2008


Rasty says:
Rasty says:
Talking to people about getting fucked is alright man.
Rasty says:
But you need to keep it real.
Rasty says:
And yeah, you're right. There's more important things.
I say:
Word up
I say:
thats an authentic statement right there
I say:
It's just like
I say:
I'm here to better myself ya know?
I say:
Broaden my horizons
I say:
Interact and debate in a full manner
I say:
Bounce theoretics and concepts off people
I say:
And learn
I say:
But that just aint so brother
I say:
Am I wrong for dreaming such?
I say:
What are these fevered dreams I so desperately cling to
Rasty says:
Not wrong at all man.
Rasty says:
Find another crowd.
Rasty says:
They're there.
I say:
That be true friend
I say:
Oh snap
I say:
Talking to you
I say:
has just reminded me I want to get a descartes book out
Rasty says:
Do it man.
I say:
Any recommendations?
Rasty says:
Meditations is amazing.
Rasty says:
Rasty says:
Great minds.
I say:
I say:
I say:
Im coming to a close with analysis of mind
I say:
by russell
I say:
just read
I say:
hmm what was it
I say:
I forget
I say:
a socrates book
I say:
All choamsky is currently ouy
I say:
I say:
so its either descartes or dosteovsky(spelling)
Rasty says:
Rasty says:
Both are good.
Rasty says:
Descartes is harder but I reckon you'll enjoy it more.
I say:
I say:
I was reading analysis of mind in class
I say:
like, I aarrive 40 mins early
I say:
just to calm and centre myself
I say:
and a guy comes in
I say:
"Why are you READING before we have to"
I say:
I ddnt know how to reply
Rasty says:
Rasty says:
Rasty says:
Try relate to them.
Rasty says:
What did this guy look like he enjoyed?
I say:
Not pulling his pants up, and wearing clothes not dissimilar to a palistinian even though he was fucking white
Rasty says:
Rasty says:
Seem political at all?
Rasty says:
Clubber? Reader? Gamer?
I say:
Fashionwise, yes
I say:
But in terms of ideologies?
I say:
Probably not so
I say:
He wore the trendy sort of fashionista bullshit
I say:
but if I were to ask him how he felt about modern thinking
I say:
If he has ever stopped and took a look around
I say:
Took in the lights and sounds
I say:
Probably would have tried to punch me
Rasty says:
Rasty says:
Rasty says:
Would you say you're pretty misanthropic?
I say:
Unfortunately so brother
I say:
Bad experiences with people made me jaded and a misnthrope
Rasty says:
That's fair enough.
Rasty says:
Rasty says:
The way I see it.
Rasty says:
Rasty says:
I really doubt you think people are born, say, intelligent, or stupid, with one personality or another, right?
I say:
I say:
I think our culture and society warps people into fake, horrible people
Rasty says:
Rasty says:
But what does the existence of people like ourselves suggest?
I say:
There are a few people who fight the power, not wishing to settle for what our saturated media try to indoctinate us with, and wonder "What if?"
Rasty says:
If people like that exist, does it not suggest that the media is not, in fact, invincible?
Rasty says:
Does it not suggest we can take the lies and propaganda, dissamble them, and attempt to ascertain the truth of the matter?
I say:
I say:
But only to an extent
I say:
Unless we are THERE in person
I say:
Who's to say what gets reported is factual?
I say:
I say:
They show us the news and such
I say:
But who's to say it isn't constructed by a very niche hegemony, who only want to show us "Their perfect world"
Rasty says:
I say it is. But you're right.
I say:
You and I both know the media is run by a very small board of "Higher ups"
I say:
Who arent right AT ALL
I say:
They were just born with a silver fuckin' spoon
I say:
People like you and I?
I say:
We aren't satisfied with the....
I say:
What would be the correct wording here
I say:
I say:
I guess something to the effect of
Rasty says:
Status quo?
I say:
"Initial aesthetic of contemporary life"
Rasty says:
Rasty says:
Rasty says:
That we exist, proves that we can break the mould.
Rasty says:
Well, all of a sudden, the indocrinated sheep who seem to be like our enemy.
Rasty says:
Well, they're brothers, sisters, allies waiting to have their eyes open.
Rasty says:
Treat them well man, they're just trying to live. And challenge their opinions.
Rasty says:
At least, that's what I figure ought to be our job.
Rasty says:
Maybe I'm wrong.
I say:
At times
I say:
I thank whatever higher power I have someone like you to talk to
I say:
Challenging me and making me better my own sense of thinking
I say:
But yeah
I say:
I agree brother
I say:
Sure I may treat people with an initial sense of....
I say:
Distrust I guess
I say:
Doesn't mean they are'nt brothers and sisters with different ideologies
I say:
We are all in the human race together
I say:
So to hold prejudice, anger, racism amongst people
I say:
Despite the fact it's wrong
I say:
It's just plain ignorant brother
I say:
Sure, I may not agree with people at times
I say:
I may even get angered by them
I say:
But social heritage is something that needs to be shared
I say:
Isn't that what we were born for?
I say:
Free will?
I say:
Also, I anger myself by ending my own sentences with propositions
I say:
It's just bad English
Rasty says:
Fuck 'bad English' man.
Rasty says:
I'm feeling good vibes from you tongiht man.
Rasty says:
It's good.
Rasty says:
You're right.
Rasty says:
I'm happy I know you man, you're truly a good person Carl.
I say:
I say:
At times i wonder if I should open myself to new people
I say:
But you know how life is friend
I say:
We subconcioussly shield ourselves from bad experiences
Rasty says:
So true man.
Rasty says:
Rasty says:
We've got to consciously fight it.
I say:
Trying to actively become aware of your own subconsiouss is a tough one
Rasty says:
The system works by alienating us, isolating us from one another with ridiculous notions that somehow ought to seperate us, 'class', 'sex', 'status'. Bullshit. Everyone is your friend.
Rasty says:
Rasty says:
I still can't really do it.
Rasty says:
Drugs do help.
Rasty says:
Meditation helps.
Rasty says:
But hey, that's where I know I can't do anything.
Rasty says:
I say:
Sitting down, thinking, and trying to be at peace
I say:
I suppose that helps
I say:
Meditation I guess for me aswell
I say:
I say:
Made a pretty good friend at University
I say:
Who will actually listen to my nonsensical ramblings and actively participate
I say:
Tried to brick myself in with getting to know people about what happened with Terese this summer
I say:
But sometimes when I meet new people
I say:
It's hard to explain, because it follows no logical conceptions
I say:
Bar that of surrealism
I say:
Sometimes I see people as ...who they really are
I say:
Having OCD and anxiety and certain mental issues warps the mind so
I say:
So when new people are met. sometimes they are appealing to me in a mental sense
I say:
Hard to explain really
I say:
But with Penny, was just...right
I say:
She just sort of listens, not passively, but participates too
I say:
It's nice to have ONE friend in real life really
I say:
Fuck the norm brother
I say:
Fuck "The man" telling us whats right, wrong, who to befriend, what to believe in
I say:
I make my own beliefs based on myself, my emotive state, and those around me
I say:
Sure I could die tommorow
I say:
But at least I'll die for what I believe in
Rasty says:
I love you man.
Rasty says:
All of that.
Rasty says:
The sum total of that.
Rasty says:
Is so real.
Rasty says:
Seriously, man, I'm glad to know you.
Rasty says:
I'm definitely on your level.
Rasty says:
Let's do thsi.
Rasty says:
Rasty says:
Ho ho.
I say:
Whats the point in living
I say:
If you can't feel alive?
I say:
I'm glad to live in such a time at the moment
I say:
Last year, university was drab
I say:
I say:
I say:
Now I have a friend, someone to talk to, spend time with, feel things with, share theories with
I say:
Brother, I havent felt this alive in a long time
I say:
And I feel humbled
I say:
And when you feel humbled by your own sense of self worth being aleivated beyond what you think you can be?
I say:
It's euphoric
Rasty says:
That's amazing man.
Rasty says:
Maybe you'll understand this song on the level I think I understand it?
Rasty says:
Rasty says:
Dunno if you can access youtube there or not.
I say:
I can, but with 0 music abilities
I say:
and on that bombshell
I say:
I planned to leave here at 7h30pm
I say:
But through an AMAZING talk with you
I say:
I be still here
I say:
So I humbly depart you this evening
Rasty says:
Man, it was great talking to you.
Rasty says:
Just remember, you never walk alone.
Rasty says:
We're both here, there's work to be done, so let's do it little by little.
Rasty says:
I'll see you later man, one love.
Rasty says:
I say:
Same to you friend
I say:
As always, a fantastic talk
I say:
I'm actually going to upload this entire conversation to my personal blog
I say:
To share our thinking with Penny
I say:
I think she'd agree with us to be fair
I say:
Remember, keep it real friend
I say:
and remember aswell
I say:
Except our own thoughts, there is nothing absolutely in our power.
I say:
Peace out

1 comment:

Penny J Moo said...

It makes alot of sense.
I'll talk to you about it tommorow!