Tuesday 25 November 2008

Monday 24 November 2008

This is a placeholder

At uni, so can't do either of my "Wow dailys" or "Week in gaming" blogs.

Will do them both when I get home. And get to level 73.Word

Please enjoy this while I slack off and I am still completely buzzed on energy drinks.

Edit: I just played Geo wars retro evolved 2 on DS till my fingers bled. A lot. Feels bad man. Pics of bleeding thumbs to be uploaded tonight when I have a fucking USB port available. I mean a PC in the library with no USB ports on it. Seriously?

Friday 21 November 2008

Northrend, druids and wooden gear: Day 1

Greetings friends. Yesterday was my first real step into Wrath of the Lich King, the latest World of Warcraft expansion. Shits pretty fun actually. If a picture speaks a thousand words, enjoy the works of Shakespeare.

Northrend starts here

Boats :D

Draw distance is fucking amazing, as are the areas.

Well it's 8am now friends. Time to go grill the SHIT out of some bacon, fire up a pot of joe, and get back into it. It's like indoctrination of my soul. But I love it so much.


See you all in January !!

Wrath of the Lich king is here.

See you all in the summer!

Monday 17 November 2008

Welcome to the fantasy zone! GET READY!

This is a rundown of the week. Enjoy

What have I been playing:


This game is awesome, if you haven't played it, go to hell. Basically you play...a dude with a giant Tonfa (Nightstick)...but it actually shoots out a giant blade which slices dudes in half. Shit's so cash. DID I MENTION THAT YOU ARRIVE IN SOVIET RUSSIA ON A HANG GLIDER FOR THE FIRST LEVEL? This game kicks so much ass, It's hard to even begin explaining how great it is.

Is it the music? Yes

Is it the blade? Yes
Is it the fact that for the first boss you fight a wrestler....then the entire Russian senate who turn into a giant robot wielding a hammer and sickle? FUCK YES

Everything about this game is excellent. Download it now. And look at the cover. Classic box art kicks ass.

Red Alert 3-PC

Not really much to say about Red Alert 3 really. If you are remotely into PC gaming at all, chances are that you have heard about the Command and Conquer series. This pretty much delivers on what the previous RA games did, but better. Do I like the blonde Tanya? No. No thank you sir. I prefer the red headed, "Shake it baby" classic Tanya that "Had a present for ya". Saying that, it's still cool. I don't know what the best part about this game is really, it really is greater than the sum of its parts. Basically, Soviet Russia (I feel a theme coming on here) decide to go back in time and assassinate Albert Einstein, which the premier does in awesome fashion. Oh and he's played by TIM CURRY, the worlds best voice actor after David Hayter( METAL GEAR?!). And you fight "The empire of the rising sun"-See: Japan. But not just typical Japan.....well, as typical as fighting Samurai soldiers, giant flying gundam mechas and a flying schoolgirl that rips apart tanks with her mind. Okay scratch that, it's TOTALLY typical Japan.

Final thought on Red Alert 2: Paratrooping armored war bears. Never did I think I would be putting that series of words together. But I'm pleased I did.

World of Warcraft: PC
No comment. Grindan, magican, farmen. The usual.

Barnyard Blast: DS

This game totally took me by surprise. I downloaded it because it was something about a pig. Which is cool. What it turned out to be is...something quite special. Basically, your son "Cliffy B" gets kidnapped at the start of the game when he is out searching a castle for treasure. Already great. As you leave the house, your wife stops you...to remind you to pick up some bread. Upon which she says "It isn't safe to go alone, take this", and gives you a whip. And a shotgun. And dynamite. AND a pistol. Wait maybe I didn't put them in order of how good they are. Whatever. This is a game quite akin to the Castlevania games, as can probably be guessed from the playstyle mentioned. But it's so delicously packed with humor and self referencial, and that's why it's great. After I defeated the first boss, I was rewarded with CONGRATULATIONS in big glowing text. Feels good man. Oh and then my guy goes "For great justice".

Fucking awesome.

I suppose that's it for the vidya. Other great things this week include, but are not limited to:

-Eating awesome burgers
-The semantics of zombies, post apocolyptic dogs, and Nazis invading the U.K
-Watching more Death Note
-Animé society, which is always a lark. Good people, good animé, good times. (FREDDIE!)

Noteable film:Hulk 2008

Watched the new Hulk film today. Shit rocked. GREAT story, they should make it into like, a comic or something. As much as it pisses me off to hear everybody say "Oh Edward Norton should be X role" because they saw him in Fight Club, think they can relate, and they are now a new radical, I actually agree for this. Not that I hate Edward Norton, he's top. Just people think he should be everything ever. He also has a great beard in this film. Oh, and when he gets purple stretchy pants? Brilliant.

The best part for me was probably the ending, just because he says "HULK SMASH". That was sweet. Because Hulk DOES smash, with extreme prejudice.
Well, until next week, keep it real, and be safe friends. Here's some Delicious Von Karma for you.
Max Payne awaits!

Sunday 16 November 2008


Rasty says:
Rasty says:
Talking to people about getting fucked is alright man.
Rasty says:
But you need to keep it real.
Rasty says:
And yeah, you're right. There's more important things.
I say:
Word up
I say:
thats an authentic statement right there
I say:
It's just like
I say:
I'm here to better myself ya know?
I say:
Broaden my horizons
I say:
Interact and debate in a full manner
I say:
Bounce theoretics and concepts off people
I say:
And learn
I say:
But that just aint so brother
I say:
Am I wrong for dreaming such?
I say:
What are these fevered dreams I so desperately cling to
Rasty says:
Not wrong at all man.
Rasty says:
Find another crowd.
Rasty says:
They're there.
I say:
That be true friend
I say:
Oh snap
I say:
Talking to you
I say:
has just reminded me I want to get a descartes book out
Rasty says:
Do it man.
I say:
Any recommendations?
Rasty says:
Meditations is amazing.
Rasty says:
Rasty says:
Great minds.
I say:
I say:
I say:
Im coming to a close with analysis of mind
I say:
by russell
I say:
just read
I say:
hmm what was it
I say:
I forget
I say:
a socrates book
I say:
All choamsky is currently ouy
I say:
I say:
so its either descartes or dosteovsky(spelling)
Rasty says:
Rasty says:
Both are good.
Rasty says:
Descartes is harder but I reckon you'll enjoy it more.
I say:
I say:
I was reading analysis of mind in class
I say:
like, I aarrive 40 mins early
I say:
just to calm and centre myself
I say:
and a guy comes in
I say:
"Why are you READING before we have to"
I say:
I ddnt know how to reply
Rasty says:
Rasty says:
Rasty says:
Try relate to them.
Rasty says:
What did this guy look like he enjoyed?
I say:
Not pulling his pants up, and wearing clothes not dissimilar to a palistinian even though he was fucking white
Rasty says:
Rasty says:
Seem political at all?
Rasty says:
Clubber? Reader? Gamer?
I say:
Fashionwise, yes
I say:
But in terms of ideologies?
I say:
Probably not so
I say:
He wore the trendy sort of fashionista bullshit
I say:
but if I were to ask him how he felt about modern thinking
I say:
If he has ever stopped and took a look around
I say:
Took in the lights and sounds
I say:
Probably would have tried to punch me
Rasty says:
Rasty says:
Rasty says:
Would you say you're pretty misanthropic?
I say:
Unfortunately so brother
I say:
Bad experiences with people made me jaded and a misnthrope
Rasty says:
That's fair enough.
Rasty says:
Rasty says:
The way I see it.
Rasty says:
Rasty says:
I really doubt you think people are born, say, intelligent, or stupid, with one personality or another, right?
I say:
I say:
I think our culture and society warps people into fake, horrible people
Rasty says:
Rasty says:
But what does the existence of people like ourselves suggest?
I say:
There are a few people who fight the power, not wishing to settle for what our saturated media try to indoctinate us with, and wonder "What if?"
Rasty says:
If people like that exist, does it not suggest that the media is not, in fact, invincible?
Rasty says:
Does it not suggest we can take the lies and propaganda, dissamble them, and attempt to ascertain the truth of the matter?
I say:
I say:
But only to an extent
I say:
Unless we are THERE in person
I say:
Who's to say what gets reported is factual?
I say:
I say:
They show us the news and such
I say:
But who's to say it isn't constructed by a very niche hegemony, who only want to show us "Their perfect world"
Rasty says:
I say it is. But you're right.
I say:
You and I both know the media is run by a very small board of "Higher ups"
I say:
Who arent right AT ALL
I say:
They were just born with a silver fuckin' spoon
I say:
People like you and I?
I say:
We aren't satisfied with the....
I say:
What would be the correct wording here
I say:
I say:
I guess something to the effect of
Rasty says:
Status quo?
I say:
"Initial aesthetic of contemporary life"
Rasty says:
Rasty says:
Rasty says:
That we exist, proves that we can break the mould.
Rasty says:
Well, all of a sudden, the indocrinated sheep who seem to be like our enemy.
Rasty says:
Well, they're brothers, sisters, allies waiting to have their eyes open.
Rasty says:
Treat them well man, they're just trying to live. And challenge their opinions.
Rasty says:
At least, that's what I figure ought to be our job.
Rasty says:
Maybe I'm wrong.
I say:
At times
I say:
I thank whatever higher power I have someone like you to talk to
I say:
Challenging me and making me better my own sense of thinking
I say:
But yeah
I say:
I agree brother
I say:
Sure I may treat people with an initial sense of....
I say:
Distrust I guess
I say:
Doesn't mean they are'nt brothers and sisters with different ideologies
I say:
We are all in the human race together
I say:
So to hold prejudice, anger, racism amongst people
I say:
Despite the fact it's wrong
I say:
It's just plain ignorant brother
I say:
Sure, I may not agree with people at times
I say:
I may even get angered by them
I say:
But social heritage is something that needs to be shared
I say:
Isn't that what we were born for?
I say:
Free will?
I say:
Also, I anger myself by ending my own sentences with propositions
I say:
It's just bad English
Rasty says:
Fuck 'bad English' man.
Rasty says:
I'm feeling good vibes from you tongiht man.
Rasty says:
It's good.
Rasty says:
You're right.
Rasty says:
I'm happy I know you man, you're truly a good person Carl.
I say:
I say:
At times i wonder if I should open myself to new people
I say:
But you know how life is friend
I say:
We subconcioussly shield ourselves from bad experiences
Rasty says:
So true man.
Rasty says:
Rasty says:
We've got to consciously fight it.
I say:
Trying to actively become aware of your own subconsiouss is a tough one
Rasty says:
The system works by alienating us, isolating us from one another with ridiculous notions that somehow ought to seperate us, 'class', 'sex', 'status'. Bullshit. Everyone is your friend.
Rasty says:
Rasty says:
I still can't really do it.
Rasty says:
Drugs do help.
Rasty says:
Meditation helps.
Rasty says:
But hey, that's where I know I can't do anything.
Rasty says:
I say:
Sitting down, thinking, and trying to be at peace
I say:
I suppose that helps
I say:
Meditation I guess for me aswell
I say:
I say:
Made a pretty good friend at University
I say:
Who will actually listen to my nonsensical ramblings and actively participate
I say:
Tried to brick myself in with getting to know people about what happened with Terese this summer
I say:
But sometimes when I meet new people
I say:
It's hard to explain, because it follows no logical conceptions
I say:
Bar that of surrealism
I say:
Sometimes I see people as ...who they really are
I say:
Having OCD and anxiety and certain mental issues warps the mind so
I say:
So when new people are met. sometimes they are appealing to me in a mental sense
I say:
Hard to explain really
I say:
But with Penny, was just...right
I say:
She just sort of listens, not passively, but participates too
I say:
It's nice to have ONE friend in real life really
I say:
Fuck the norm brother
I say:
Fuck "The man" telling us whats right, wrong, who to befriend, what to believe in
I say:
I make my own beliefs based on myself, my emotive state, and those around me
I say:
Sure I could die tommorow
I say:
But at least I'll die for what I believe in
Rasty says:
I love you man.
Rasty says:
All of that.
Rasty says:
The sum total of that.
Rasty says:
Is so real.
Rasty says:
Seriously, man, I'm glad to know you.
Rasty says:
I'm definitely on your level.
Rasty says:
Let's do thsi.
Rasty says:
Rasty says:
Ho ho.
I say:
Whats the point in living
I say:
If you can't feel alive?
I say:
I'm glad to live in such a time at the moment
I say:
Last year, university was drab
I say:
I say:
I say:
Now I have a friend, someone to talk to, spend time with, feel things with, share theories with
I say:
Brother, I havent felt this alive in a long time
I say:
And I feel humbled
I say:
And when you feel humbled by your own sense of self worth being aleivated beyond what you think you can be?
I say:
It's euphoric
Rasty says:
That's amazing man.
Rasty says:
Maybe you'll understand this song on the level I think I understand it?
Rasty says:
Rasty says:
Dunno if you can access youtube there or not.
I say:
I can, but with 0 music abilities
I say:
and on that bombshell
I say:
I planned to leave here at 7h30pm
I say:
But through an AMAZING talk with you
I say:
I be still here
I say:
So I humbly depart you this evening
Rasty says:
Man, it was great talking to you.
Rasty says:
Just remember, you never walk alone.
Rasty says:
We're both here, there's work to be done, so let's do it little by little.
Rasty says:
I'll see you later man, one love.
Rasty says:
I say:
Same to you friend
I say:
As always, a fantastic talk
I say:
I'm actually going to upload this entire conversation to my personal blog
I say:
To share our thinking with Penny
I say:
I think she'd agree with us to be fair
I say:
Remember, keep it real friend
I say:
and remember aswell
I say:
Except our own thoughts, there is nothing absolutely in our power.
I say:
Peace out

Thursday 13 November 2008

Monday 10 November 2008

Still alive

Handed in my first essay, I rock

And in my notes for the entirety of todays lecture, the key things I seem to have got out of it were

-People in the past wore really good hats

-Dogs think they are people

-And I drew a little picture about Simon Belmont fighting Dracula. "YOU DONT BELONG IN THIS WORLD"

PS: There needs to be more news stories about animals in clothing. This is key to how the world needs to start working.

News like this is awesome. Fact.