Friday 26 December 2008


Maybe fifteen, twenty, twenty five years ago, your parents had a child. They had hopes and dreams and aspirations for this child. Maybe your father wanted to see you take interest in the family business. Your mother wondered what kind of girls you'd grow up to date. What your first kiss would be like, and if you'd confide in her all of your girl troubles. Maybe your dad had hopes you'd be famous. A strong ball player, the only guy in town that was stronger than his pa'. They hoped that one day you'd find a nice girl and settle down with her, start a family, and give them grandkids. They hoped you'd take care of them in their old age.

But none of that will ever happen. You know why. One day, your mom or dad got you a Nintendo for Christmas, or your birthday, or just decided to surprise you with it. They thought it would be kind of cool, and of course, you were excited, and it made them happy to see you smile. You started to take a noted interest in video games, and as time went on, you became gradually less and less interested in the outside world. In grade school, you got a Super Nintendo, or maybe a Genesis. Your parents were very excited when you told them you'd started writing stories, but when you showed them your 10-year-old fanfiction of Super Mario or Sonic, they looked at one another in disgust.

Time wore on, consoles came and went with each generation, and it soon seemed you had more of those than you did friends. Of course you did have your little gamer clique that got together after school and swapped Pokemon, maybe even talked about the secret 121st star in Super Mario 64 or how to get to the lighthouse on the Dam level in Goldeneye. The years wore on, and you even started to wear 'gamer' clothing, T-shirts advertising Metal Gear Solid 2, a Mario mushroom hat, etc. Your parents at this time, have started to realize you will never be a normal child. You are a gamer.

Today, you have overstayed your parents' welcome at your house. You are 21 or older, and do not have a job. You probably never have, or if so, haven't kept one for long. You've never had a girlfriend, and your whole family knows that. That also means you've never been laid. But the sadder thing, the one they don't really think about, but you do, is that you've never even had a girl kiss you. This thought keeps you up at night, sometimes, long after you've closed Firefox and are laying beneath the covers with your DS or PSP. Sometimes, its enough to make you cry.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's passages you write like this that remind me why I want to have sexy time with you.