Friday 9 October 2009

Thursday 17 September 2009


Also, /a/ is 'dere :3


This is gonna be the best year since griffball

Monday 7 September 2009

this is why university is awesome/terrible


Take for example, the average girl. She's just finished college, and she's excited to go to university. Job prospects, learning, and meeting new friends are the talk of the town, amongst her family and friends!

University rolls around. The girl thinks she should at least check out freshers fair. From there, it's a whirlwind of free stuff, flyers for drinks, and other such oddities. After a month, she thinks it's fine to go out 3/4 nights a week, get "Wasted" and take going out over studying.

It's 2 months later. Every time you log onto facebook, it's an endless stream of pictures of her, as she slowly loses her dignity, and she becomes the stereotype of what students are. She realises only too late that not only has she squandered her money, but also her prospects of a first.

I like this, because it makes me feel good about myself


Much of the same, only in a different regard. Admittedly, when university starts, there's a lot of attractive people in your class, and you're clearly pining for 1. Because people at university are for all intents and purposes, children, they still want the stupidest things. Are you willing to change yourself to pick up some tramp in a nightclub?

Eg: getting 'dressed up' and spending an upward of £40 a night on trying to pick up a single girl. get the fuck out. for one, you look like an idiot. second of all, she only uses you for free liqour. Which is more embarassing. I had more to say about this, but I forgot already, so whatever.

actually, something has come to mind. there's a guy I see frequently on facebook.

This guy looks like the sorriest sack of shit i've ever seen. everything he lists is the worst shit.

his interests are, but not limited to:

Taking Loads Of Pictures
Being There When His Friends Need Him The Most
i.e. Being A Good Friend
I mean come on? Your interest is FACEBOOK and TAKING PICTURES? I fucking hate the concept of "taking pictures". You were there, and you lived it, why would you need to take a static shot that you'll look at maybe once and go "Yeah I look like a twat"

Plus, he appears to be some desperate excuse of...whatever

(Hahahah I used an elipsis)(And I don't think I can spell it tonight)

on liqour, money and general student life-

I'm so far removed from this, so it'll be a short analysis/braindump/laughfest.

It seems that in university, to be cool, you need to be able to spend money like an eccentric, mostly on liqour. Not that I don't like alcohol. I think it's great, and it leads to terrific moments (Except when I threw up all over zaks house, that was gross). But, much like in high school, it seems to be needed as somewhat of a catalyst for entertainment. Back in school, I recall that the "cool kids" (Read: faggots with no personality) went "Up the hill" to get lashed/wasted/. Every so often I would go, but only to be sorely dissapointed, wait till someone wanted to go home, and walk them back, because I wanted to go to bed. University seems to be much of the same. Admittedly, people seem to think that because they're old enough to buy their own liqour now, it entitles them to become impervious to looking like a complete twat when you fuck a random dude in an alley/makeout with a guy after you threw up/a brief mix of all of the above( I don't think I'm allowed to put of twice like that, it seems like a weird sentence conjugation?). People don't think better of you for that. Furthermore, I have rolled around on the aspect of cameras. classmates seem to drink so much that they NEED to have pictures to remember where all their money went the previous night.

It may have been the BEST NIGHT EVER, so they need evidence that it happened(?!)

Furthrmore, student living looks like a pile of moldy cocks. "Oh yeah, ya know, I moved in so I could have independance and meet people!"

This doesn't seem to be accurate, to the most part. I suppose some people have a taste for noodles/pasta and shitty kebab meat. I'm not one for spending all of my money just to "live out". Then again, I live so close to university that it's stupid for me to pay an extortionate amount just to eat shitty food. It's only 20 miles a day, and I'm usually a grand in the green, when my classmates are 800 into an overdraft. That's probably why they all look like death. Well, I suppose I do aswell, but that's because I don't sleep much. DOH HO VIDEO GAMES!

that's everything for now. Actually, as a final point, why do people need to point at people so much in photos? Yeah, we can SEE there's a poignant figure STANDING NEXT TO YOU, you don't need to point at it.

Someone fucking shoot me.


Saturday 29 August 2009


At first, when I decided to start Persona 3 FES again, I was kinda like...


I was like:

Goodbye 2 weeks!

Saturday 22 August 2009

たび の とちゅう 

どこ まで ゆこう 課きみ と ふたり で。

Saturday 25 July 2009

Let me paint you a mind picture.

First of all, set yourself in this mindset. Imagine if you will, waking up at 3pm. You actually wake up at 1pm to the noise from next door, but you're too lethargic to bang on the wall, or do anything else, so you just flip over and go back to bed. It's 3pm, and you're awake. From here, if you can comprehend, picture yourself peeking out of the curtains for a moment, realising it's too bright, and seeing people outside. Close the curtains and then open the window the smallest bit so that the lack of fresh air you get normally is somewhat minimised.

Now, if you can imagine sitting at a desk from 3pm till 9pm, doing nothing but watching cartoons, lamenting over social dynamics, or lack thereof, and anonymously posting on message boards.

From here, fall into the mindset of scrambling downstairs and looking through the freezer for some semblence of a meal to prepare for yourself.

"Too much effort"
"Takes too long"
"Too many vegetables"

After deciding on the most inane assortment of unhealthy and lacking food you can find, picture yourself taking it upstairs to wolf it down while being hunched over the same desk you've been sat at all day.

Fast forward to 4am.

The few people you can find the effort to talk to through relayed chat on instant messenger programs are all gone. Either they've gone to sleep, with their significant others. Went out to have fun with friends in real life. Or just felt like being up so late seemed like somewhat of a folly, and decided to hit the sack early. Pick one of the above, stick with it, and picture it.

It's at this point, you realise it's gotten dark outside.

You smile somewhat.

After realising that you wanted to go out for something to eat earlier, the voice in your head talked to you, and you listened. You can now comprehend the fact that you're just too scared to go outside. People will judge you silently. You're nervous to talk to people, because beyond either the facade you put up, your general interests are somewhat lacking in parallel to most regular folk.

Thankfully, it's the middle of the morning, and nobody is around. 24 hour shops are always open, and the bare minimum of interaction is required.

After you have grapsed this concept, imagine it's now 7am, and the suns rising.

With nothing you do, you go to bed alone.

The worst part? Knowing you have to do it all over again tomorrow. And every day.

Now. You've read all this, and if you've followed the instructions at the top, you've come up with a somewhat defineable and full "day".

CONGRATULATIONS. You've just visualized yourself in one of the days of my life.

Let me know how bad it feels.