Monday 13 April 2009

I was a healer once.

In a lot of ways, being a healer is a lot like being a parent. You follow an ungrateful, squabbling mass of people throughout their lives, picking them up when they fall down, healing them when they get hurt, and telling them they'll be alright.

They love you, they hate you. They blame you for their mistakes, and take credit for your hard work. They bitch, argue, fight and complain. But you're with them every step of the way. Every insult is ignored, every personal attack is deflected


Because they're your family. Through thick and thin. better or worse, they're yours. They are your responsiblity, your party. And when the dust settles, the loot is ninja'd, the chat fills with "gg" and everyone logs off, you're alone again.

And you know you did your job, and you did it well. You didn't falter, didn't give up. And long after the party has moved on or forgotten you, you'll be doing the same thing, day after day after day. Because your family needs you, no matter who your family is for that day.

Saturday 4 April 2009

So long Inaba.

Blog post forthcoming once I get over it.